Themes - Parallel Sessions

WIRE 2018 will be based on providing ideas for regional ecosystems how to become and stay innovative and to foster further significant development and growth in regions through focusing on the three tracks of Science & Research, Entrepreneurship and Connectivity. Each of these has its own speakers and sessions.

Science & Research

Research and higher education institutions choose new ways of knowledge co-creation and transfer, regional embeddedness and alignment to become lead institutions for the development of ecosystems of innovation, connecting their region with the international knowledge frontier. Reports about specially relived obstacles and  how to break down barriers.


Rolf Altenburger, Environmental Research Center (Leipzig Halle), Germany
Andreja Kutnar, University of Primorska, Director of the InnoRenew CoE Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence, Slovania
Iryna Kristensen, NORDREGIO, Sweden
Jiří Nantl, Maseryk University/CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic
Stefan Fitz-Rankl, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria

Moderator: Stefan Weiers, EC RTD
Rapporteur: Adeline Kroll, EC DG RTD


Entrepreneurial spirit has created new opportunities for whole regions. How entrepreneurship can be an important driver of economic growth and diversification. The Entrepreneurship session will feature best practice examples from Tyrol and other European regions from a more rural or non-urban context. It will also feature the possibilities for seizing business opportunities in a digitised world – new opportunities the digitisation offers for entrepreneurs in less urban areas like the alpine region and recent challenges (e.g. availability of skilled labour vs new possibili-ties of remote working). The session will include best practice example where entrepreneur-ship has had a huge impact on a whole region and shaped future development of the region.


Helena Acheson, c3 - solutions Stuttgart, Germany
Juha Tall, Agency for Rural Affairs, Finland
Harald Oberrauch, Durst Phototechnik AG, Tyrolean Business Angels, Italy
Roberto Napoli, C-Lab Contamination lab of the University of Trento, Italy

Moderator: Lisa Spöck, Standortagentur Tirol

Connectivity & Infrastructure

Connectivity and digital infrastructure have opened new opportunities for innovation not only in cities but also in villages and remote areas. Connectivity does not only imply co-operation across regions but also opening mind-sets and the inclusion of people and disciplines. The session will use the smart city / smart villages topic to start from and bring in the points mentioned above, as all these have to be addressed in the building of smart communities. Best practice examples, reports from smart city projects (eg SINFONIA), experts on urban development, architects etc. can be included. The various aspects of a region/city/village and the need for connectedness between all players involved.


Wolfgang Streicher, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Claus Habfast, Grenoble Metropole, France
Tatiana Kováčiková, University of Zilina, ERA Chair (MoTiV project), Slovakia
Jürgen Haberleithner, APEC Study Centre / University of Colima / EC, JRC Directorate B - Growth and Innovation, B3 Unit: Territorial Development / Smart Specialisation Platform, Seville

Moderator: Pirita Lindholm, ERRIN
Rapporteur: Christina Lercher,  Standortagentur Tirol

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Parallel Sessions
Thursday, 5 July 2018

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Hosted by Sessions
Thursday, 5 July 2018

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