Lambert van Nistelrooij
Member of the European Parliamant
Lambert graduated cum laude in social geography from the Catholic University in Nijmegen. At the age of 24 he started as a member of the municipal council. From 1982 to 2004 Lambert was a member of the Provinciale en Gedeputeerde Staten in the Dutch region of Noord-Brabant.
Lambert has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2004. As a member of the Dutch political party CDA, he is a MEP for the European People's Party. As an MEP he has focused on regional policy, research, innovation, energy and the Digital Agenda. Currently, he is a member of the Committee on Regional Development and a substitute member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. He is coordinator of the Intergroup on Active Ageing. Lately Lambert has been working on the European Structural and Investment Funds as the main negotiator, the European Fund for Strategic Investments as rapporteur, the Structural Reform Support Programme as rapporteur, the Biobased Industry Initiative as rapporteur, and the Digital Single Market.