Iryna Kristensen

Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio

Dr. Iryna Kristensen is a Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio (the International Research Institute for Regional Development and Planning under the Nordic Council of Ministers) in Stockholm, specializing in local and regional economic development and innovation with national and international experience in this field. Iryna holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Salzburg (Austria), where she studied inter-organizational collaborative practices and their role in shaping the regional innovative systems both in peripheral and urban regions. Iryna is continuously involved in a number of European and Nordic research projects such as Horizon2020, ESPON, Nordic co-operation programmes. Her current research at Nordregio focuses on questions related to regional development, innovation, green growth and smart specialization. Iryna has previous experience as a visiting researcher at the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy at Lund University (Sweden).

Iryna Kristensen